The Jon Doviak Award for Rookie of the Year |
::: Louie Mongenel :::> Weak ankle kept him out of pros; Swears vodka and cranberry juice is not woman's drink; Ray screwed them against Lake Catholic; Arrested by coach at Hirststock; Toilet on porch
Runners Up: 1. Julie Amascam, 2. Sarah Franaman |
The Gary Cusman Comeback of the Year Award |
This award denotes a return to the Neighborhood by an old favorite.
::: The Orb :::> Induces swearing; When stoned you ALMOST GOT IT! FUCK I FUCKIN HAD IT!!; Solved by Little Alex in 5 minutes
Runners Up: 1. Jenna B, 2. Jumpman Jr. |
The Tony Orlando One-Night Stand Award |
This award is dedicated to those who come out on a single evening to party until daylight with unbending vigor and contentment.
::: Billy and Donnie :::> Combine to form global superbullshitting power; Carded at cinemas; Cell numbers change weekly; Laid most of Kent |
The Savarise Sports Business of the Year Award |
This award is for class and atmosphere in a locale that is a Neighborhood draw.
::: Main Moon :::> Survived Chinese death blaze; Real hot sauce for special customers; Lunch buffet barred list includes Big John and Tom Saint; Everything ready in 10 minute
Runners Up: 1. Los See-Sawdres, 2. The Do-Drop Inn, 3. EAT's |
The Angie Notarianni Award for Eyebrow |
This award is presented for savvy in getting eyebrow and overall expertise in the adult entertainment industry.
::: Brad Orlando :::> Hung; Hard drive features unique "buried" directory structure; Assisted young hopefuls to stardom throughout the 1970s; Expert in Christy Canyon filmography
Runners Up: 1. Borat, 2. Tom St. Angelo Sr. |
The Martinis Club Award for Longest No-See |
::: Anthony :::> Classified mailing address; Likes speeding on interstates with giant cups of black coffee; First one out of bed in all time zones; Sleeps with putter; Looks a little like Cindy
Runners Up: 1. Stevie, 2. Mike Pucci |
The Tom Sauce Up In Smoke Award |
::: Scott Spence and RJ Valentic :::> Pussies; Cheech and Chong of the AACS; Think cellphone address books are flashy; Madigool ain't madicool; Both each other's boss
Runners Up: 1. Manda and Randa |
The David Savarise Lifetime Achievement Award |
This award covers a lifetime filled with accomplishment and excellence throughout the Neighborhood.
::: Al Guerini :::> Cooks outside regardless of season; Permanent grin livens up parties; Three driveways pretty neat; Eyeglass adjustment really secret signal to Jan; Supports the Court; Will give you a treat
Runners Up: 1. Skip, 2. Gary |
The Madigool Cup MVP Award |
This award signifies best overall achievement and excellence throughout the year 2004.
::: Mark "Redd" Truk :::> Celebrity on Dock radio frequencies; Gets piss drunk and quotes Cooter from Dukes of Hazzard; Into Kool & The Gang; Often rebuked due to unexpected nickname-surname combination
Runners Up: 1. RJ, 2. The Grettle, 3. Manda |
Best Baby |
::: Choochie Poochie :::> Extended sleeping patterns; Carbon copy of Mark; Severely confused about own name; Sometimes referred to as Doo-Doo Bear |