Angelo's on Mulberry Street Itayan restaurant enormous success in Swedetown
Claudia voted Miss Italia!
Andy's Show Later set to start summer season after last years success - Expected episodes include "A Half Hour's Sleep", "Watermelon Rinds in my Yard", and "Who Popped all the Inflatable Lawn Jockeys?"
Harbor Avenue page set for release on April 20th
Big Al returns from Italy, writes articles for the Sentinel
CROW turns new leaf, says it's OK to smoke it inside!
Landing Gear ordered for pavilion! YYEAHHHHH!
Pucci's Thoughts of Treason out in hardback - mixed reviews
Billy goes against advice of known computer expert, ends up with Gateway
Goose skips town after dice game bust
The CROW starts own computer company, gives no credit to beloved instructor Martin-Jean
Jay's Vegas Movie Review Page set to be released next week - Gene and Roger sweating, the balcony may be PERMANENTLY closed!
Stevie in hospital - Columbus Street's beloved construction guy has nervous break down while on stump removal job, says they were coming after him!!!
Billy indicted in username robbery, says Goose and Martin Jean didn't have a patent on "HungAngelo"
Piano stolen from Queen of Hearts, dancers have no platform
Dispute over who is really whose uncle heats up in Harbor Avenue Heights
Main Street jury decides that there is really no correlation at all between Pam and canal water
Millionaire mechanic from Dayton Ohio retires at 25, says he saved it all on a contract job from one family
Reporters from all over Ohio convened today in the heart of Harbor Avenue heights to watch the handcuffed "Mystery Mike," the internet's infamous chat room hacker, get courted out on slander charges
A Great One Passes On
Ange and Loretta attend dinner in Mayfield to honor the "only royalty this country will ever have."
Aunt Laura buys new purse for summer, holds NINE pieces of wedding cake!!
Ron Jeremy and Sam Saint go into landscaping business - "Stunnad Yard Maintenance" satisfied customers include Joe Saint, and pretty much EVERYONE on the hill, yes Fred too
Rumors of Fourth of July picnic circulating around the neighborhood - Picnic meetings will be in Aunt Anna's back yard starting in June, see Harbor Ave. Heights page for meeting times
Big John turns 55, loses birthday money down the dock in pinochle game!
Pucci's booksales down after Guestbook Incident
Coffee Klatch sweeping off porch at Billy's! Jury prepares for summer.
New additions to the Jury:
New Business:
Martin-Jean's Offensive Web Page - "Ooooo deeeear!"
Ronnie and Dave's alternate family names "Saverese", "Savress", and now "Reese!"
Scott Spunce quits Blackron U., prefers hanging out at the Elk's with Chuck
RJ and Jay Vegas finally settle argument over who is keener gambler with a little Chop Poker!
Missy Pucci quits bank job to marry the little Crypt Guy!!!
California Carl hits L.A. lottery, gives $10 million to cousin Egg!
Manuel falls into salad bar at Perkin's, restaurant says there's no way he's doin it again in the same town!
Joe says, "No, he ain't insured by ME. But if you see Max, tell him I'm gonna CLOBBER him!"
Mike Pucci releases do-it-yourself video "Rolling a good 'Cigarette'"
Mr. Chivas and Mr. Regal get ahold of Joe again
Varkette and Little David preparing for Ashtabula comeback, the dynamic duo will be returning to give a talk about their adventures at the Mt. Carmel Community Center